With wisdom and inspiration from God, CBC endeavors to create a unique congregational culture, tailored for outreach, mentorship, unity and love. Our main statement is the following:
."Cultivate community to boldly embrace God’s powerful love and purpose."
Our Mission
Our mission is to be a welcoming biblical community focused on knowing God, growing together and showing Christ by:
I. Sound Biblical teachings in both small and large gatherings
II. Supporting all God’s children in all stages of life
III. Spreading the Gospel locally and globally
IV. Developing Spirit-led mature believers
V. Engaging in community outreach
VI. Responding to community needs
Our Mission's Impact:
Not only are we directly involved in God's mission in our local area and daily lives, but we also partner with other missionaries locally and abroad through our prayers, encouragement, and financial support. 20% of giving to CBC goes to missions.
We support and partner with missionaries who work with the following: